Are you covered? . . .
Are you covered? Covered by what? . . . one might ask. . . . I’m glad you asked.
We wanted something that would be a conversation starter, eye catching and appealing when it comes to apparel. The logo had to stand for something and be full of what we ultimately love, God! We ask again and no sooner than was asked, did we realize not just how blessed we are but that we are truly ‘covered’ by out Heavenly Father! It does your heart well, to know that no matter where you find yourself in life, that you are covered. Good, bad, ups, downs, shortcomings, pitfalls.
Each step gets easier when you know you have someone by your side and in your corner.
To know each and every day that you are ‘Covered’ by God, confidently reassures you that no matter what comes your way, my Father is with me and I am ‘Covered’.
Psalms 91:4 – He will cover you and completely protect you with his feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness is a shield and a wall.